Volume 6, 2018
The role of computer-mediated communication in promoting activism and revolutionary work around the world

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for individual articles and videos.
Read the editorial
Kimberly C. Harper, Samaa Gamie, and Moe Folk
Read the articles
Cassandra Branham and Stephanie Vie
Women veterans’ advocacy use of social networking: Curating and responding to trolling
Katherine BRIDGMAN
Overcoming the limitations of shared digital spaces: Twitter in the Egyptian Revolution of 2011
Anjana NaARAYAN and Shweta M. Adur
The making of the Dalit human rights movements in the digital age
Watch the interviews
Interview with Deborah Bosley, The Plain Language Group, USA
Interview with Yvonne Eriksson, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017
Non-themed issue

Click on author names + article/video titles below
for individual articles and videos.
Read the articles
Philip J. AUST and Audrey W. ALLISON
International Organizational Communication Assessment (IOCA): Message analysis and effectiveness for a global age
Sandra HILL
The power of digital storytelling to communicate complex STEM information across cultures
Evolving concepts of risk: Justifying safety communication in a high-hazard intercultural industry
Emily January PETERSEN
Feminist historiography as methodology: The absence of international perspectives
Sayyed Fawad Ali SHAH, Faizullah JAN, and Eric KARIKARI
Using technical writing strategies to create Islamic Pakistani subjects: A case study of textbooks in Pakistan
An ethical rationale for the teaching of English as a lingua franca in professional communication courses
Josephine WALWEMA
Revisioning exploratory discourse as a rhetorical frame for social media practice in business and professional communication
Watch the interview
Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017
Designing professional communication across cultures

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for individual articles and videos.
Read the editorial
Quan ZHOU and Guiseppe GETTO
Read the articles
Sanjeev BOTHRA
Role of design education in fostering values of social responsibility in designers
Ann Hill Duin, Joseph Moses, Megan McGrath, Jason Tham, and Nathan Ernst
Design thinking methodology: A case study of ‘radical collaboration’ in the wearables research collaboratory
But is that relevant here? A pedagogical model for embedding translation training within technical communication courses in the US
Mapping the cultural context of care: An approach to patient-centered design in international contexts
Watch the interviews
Interview with Denny Huang, TANG User eXperience Consulting, China
Interview with Huatong Sun, University of Washington | Tacoma, USA
Volume 4, 2016
Professional communication, social justice, and the Global South

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for individual articles and videos.
Read the editorial
Gerald SAVAGE and Godwin AGBOKA
Read the articles
Rebecca WALTON, “Making expertise visible: A disruptive workplace study with a social justice goal”
Watch the interviews
Interview with Rebecca Dingo, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA
Volume 3, Issue 2, 2015
Translation and International Professional Communication: Building bridges and strengthening skills

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Click on author names + article/video titles below
for individual articles and videos.
Read the editorial
Bruce Maylath, Ricardo Muñoz Martín, and Marta Pacheco Pinto
Read the articles
Anne KETOLA, “Translation diaries of an illustrated technical text”
Watch the interviews
Interview with Aitor Medrano, Multilingual language service provider, Spain
Volume 3, Issue 1, 2015
Education and training for globally-distributed virtual teams: Preparing the workforce of the future

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Click on author names + article/video titles below
for individual articles and videos.
Read the editorial
Pam Estes BREWER and Kirk ST.AMANT
Read the articles
Marina LIN and Han YU, “A manager’s best practices to coordinate globally distributed teams”
Watch the interviews
Interview with Tatiana Batova, Arizona State University, USA
Interview with Ronit Mayer, SAP, Israel
Interview with Afaf Steiert, Afaf Translations, LLC, USA
Volume 2, 2014
Non-themed issue

Click on cover image above to download full issue.
Click on author names + article/video titles below
for individual articles and videos.
Read the editorial
Rosário DURÃO and Kyle MATTSON, Editorial
Read the articles
Lynn O. LUDWIG, “Social media in the classroom: Nemesis or necessity? Corporate America weighs in”
Chase MITCHELL, “The potential of metaphor in ESL pedagogy: A pilot case study”
Watch the interviews
Interview with Scott ABEL, The Content Wrangler, USA
Interview with Kit BROWN-HOEKSTRA, Comgenesis, LLC, USA
Interview with Ricardo MUÑOZ MARTÍN, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
Interview with Anne SURMA, Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia
Interview with Kim YANGSOOK, HansemEUG, Inc., Republic of Korea
Volume 1, Issue 2, 2013
International engineering communication

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Click on author names + article titles below
for individual articles.
Read the editorial
Julie D. FORD and Marie PARETTI, Editorial
Read the articles
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013
International Professional Communication: Yesterday < today > tomorrow

Click on cover image above to download full issue.
Click on author names + article titles below
for individual articles.
Read the editorial article
Rosário DURÃO, “International professional communication: An overview”
Read the articles
Jody BYRNE, “Seeing the wood for the trees: Reassessing research agendas in specialized translation”
Marco FIOLA, “Should the market dictate the content of specialized translation curricula?”
Diane B. HOGAN, “Theories that apply to technical communication”
Molly K. JOHNSON, “Virtual international service learning: Negotiating boundaries”
Kendall KELLY, “Genre analysis as a method for improving intercultural communication”
Amalia S. LEVI, “Communicating context: Libraries, archives, and museums in a connected world”
Julia MASON, “Professional writing and video games”
Ricardo MUÑOZ MARTÍN, “Birds of a feather: Translation and communication studies”
Rich RICE, “”Smart” connect-exchange intercultural study abroad models”
Debopriyo ROY, “Towards experience design: The changing face of technical communication”
David R. RUSSELL, “International professional communication: Yesterday < today > tomorrow”
Kirk ST.AMANT, “Finding friction points: Rethinking the flat earth model of globalization”
Rodanthi TZANELLI, “On Avatar: Digital commerce as activist pedagogy?”
Iris VARNER, “The role of negotiation in intercultural business communication”
Rebecca WALTON, “Civic engagement, information technology, and global contexts”