Volume 3, Issue 1, 2015

Education and training for globally-distributed virtual teams: Preparing the workforce of the future

Volume 3, Issue 1, Education and training for globally-distributed virtual teams: Preparing the workforce of the future

Click on cover image above to download full issue.
Click on author names + article/video titles below

for individual articles and videos.

Read the editorial

Pam Estes BREWER and Kirk ST.AMANT

Read the articles

Susan Spierre Clark, Andrew Berardy, Mark A. Hannah, Thomas P. Seager, Evan Selinger, and John Vianney Makanda, “Group tacit knowledge and globally distributed virtual teams: Lessons learned from using games and social media in the classroom”

Joleen R. HANSON, “Preparing globally distributed virtual team members to bridge boundaries of language difference: A graduate program teaching case”

Lynnette G. LEONARD, John C. SHERBLOM, Lesley A. WITHERS, and Jeffrey S. SMITH, “Training effective virtual teams: Presence, identity, communication openness, and conversational interactivity”

Marina LIN and Han YU, “A manager’s best practices to coordinate globally distributed teams”

Karen Schroeder SORENSEN, Steven HAMMER, and Bruce MAYLATH, “Synchronous and asynchronous online international collaboration: The Trans-Atlantic & Pacific Project”

Velvet WEEMS-LANDINGHAM, Lydia ROSE, and Veronica COOK-EUELL, “Negotiating availability within global virtual teams (GVTs)”

Watch the interviews

Interview with Tatiana Batova, Arizona State University, USA

Interview with Ronit Mayer, SAP, Israel

Interview with Afaf Steiert, Afaf Translations, LLC, USA

Volume 2, 2014

Non-themed issue

Volume 2, Non-themed issue

Click on cover image above to download full issue.
Click on author names + article/video titles below

for individual articles and videos.

Read the editorial

Rosário DURÃO and Kyle MATTSON, Editorial

Read the articles

Eva BRUMBERGER, “Toward a framework for intercultural visual communication: A critical review and call for research”

Claudia GRINNELL and Sandra HILL, “Four paradigm shifts and a funeral: The demise and rise of the TC profession in the wake of Web 2.0”

Lynn O. LUDWIG, “Social media in the classroom: Nemesis or necessity? Corporate America weighs in”

Chase MITCHELL, “The potential of metaphor in ESL pedagogy: A pilot case study”

Marcy Leasum ORWIG, “The “genreology” of U.S. Army World War I reports: An exploration of historical genre change”

Watch the interviews

Interview with Scott ABEL, The Content Wrangler, USA

Interview with Kit BROWN-HOEKSTRA, Comgenesis, LLC, USA

Interview with Ricardo MUÑOZ MARTÍN, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Interview with Anne SURMA, Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia

Interview with Kim YANGSOOK, HansemEUG, Inc., Republic of Korea

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013

International Professional Communication: Yesterday < today > tomorrow

Volume 1, Issue 1, International professional communication: Yesterday < today > tomorrow

Click on cover image above to download full issue.
Click on author names + article titles below

for individual articles.

Read the editorial article

Rosário DURÃO, “International professional communication: An overview”

Read the articles

Godwin AGBOKA, “International technical communication and social justice: Interrogating the international in international technical communication discourse”

María Inés ARRIZABALAGA, “Five models and a challenge: Past, present and future of translator training programs in Argentina”

Richard BRANDT & Rich RICE, “Mobile medicine as efficient and effective intercultural health communication praxis”

Jody BYRNE, “Seeing the wood for the trees: Reassessing research agendas in specialized translation”

Marco FIOLA, “Should the market dictate the content of specialized translation curricula?”

Diane B. HOGAN, “Theories that apply to technical communication”

Sarah Beth HOPTON, “If not me, who? Encouraging critical and ethical praxis in technical communication”

Molly K. JOHNSON, “International service-learning partnerships: Engaging professional communication students in a global future”

Molly K. JOHNSON, “Virtual international service learning: Negotiating boundaries”

Kendall KELLY, “Genre analysis as a method for improving intercultural communication”

Amalia S. LEVI, “Communicating context: Libraries, archives, and museums in a connected world”

Julia MASON, “Professional writing and video games”

Kyle MATTSON, “Intercultural professional communication in syncretic enclaves: An overview of failed corporate public discourse in Malaysia”

Ricardo MUÑOZ MARTÍN, “Birds of a feather: Translation and communication studies”

Rich RICE, “”Smart” connect-exchange intercultural study abroad models”

Debopriyo ROY, “Towards experience design: The changing face of technical communication”

David R. RUSSELL, “International professional communication: Yesterday < today > tomorrow”

Clay SPINUZZI & Eva-Maria JAKOBS, “Integrated writers, integrated writing, and the integration of distributed work”

Kirk ST.AMANT, “Finding friction points: Rethinking the flat earth model of globalization”

Rodanthi TZANELLI, “On Avatar: Digital commerce as activist pedagogy?”

Iris VARNER, “The role of negotiation in intercultural business communication”

Rebecca WALTON, “Civic engagement, information technology, and global contexts”